If you prefer to speak english
Hello everybody !

I wish you a nice and musical new year 2025 !
have a look at my web site here: www.orgautomatech.fr
I began this blog in 2007, it is not really up to date, but, you can still find some information!
I'll try with this blog to show the way of building of not only an organ but a whole automatic band . The base is a 61 note organ and an accordion . I'll add,( perhaps) later, drums, electric piano and other different instruments. Since a few years, I've made some midi board and I 've decided to sell them. At the moment (may 2011) there are 2 models availlable: 32 and 64 output. For futur, a midifile reader and other useful tools are projected...
You can watch a video and listen to different Mp3's with organ and accordion playing together. Look at the menu on the left.
Have a good surf and come back from time to time to see the "what's new today?"
You can watch a video and listen to different Mp3's with organ and accordion playing together. Look at the menu on the left.
Have a good surf and come back from time to time to see the "what's new today?"